All meeting venues will be decided upon by the person in charge of the month that they are scheduled for. All meetings will be held at 1:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month unless there are conflicts. The hostess of that month will inform members if there is a change.
September......Diana Bauman September 22nd ( note the change in date due to many conflicts on the third Wednesday. 1:00 St. Paul's Lutheran Church ..Bring your own sack lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided..... The book is The Scent Keeper, by Erin Bauermeister.
October ....Roz Jackson October 19th TUESDAY (note the change here because of Town Hall on Wednesday) The venue will be decided and you will get a call or text. The book is Personal Librarian by Mary Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray.
November.....Sandy November 16th tUESDAY ( note the change here because of Town Hall) venue not determined. Book The Vanishing Half by Maureen Corrigan
January.....Pat January 19th WED The book is FOUR WINDS
February ....Joyce February 16th WED The book is Some Amazing Things Happen by Elizabeth Ford
March ......Sarah March 16th wED The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans
April .....Donna April 20th WED As A Woman by Paula Stone Williams
May ....Nancy Johnson May18thWED Motherhood...The Second Oldest Profession
by Erma Bombeck
June......Roz Gadd June 15th WED Our Italian Summer by Jennifer Probbst
July .......Florence July 20th Women in White Coats by Olivia Campbell